Daniel Rosenblit: Walking the Hard Road for God

Daniel Rosenblit: Walking the Hard Road for God

Introduction into the deeper things of God. For two whole millenia, humanity seems to have watered down the teachings of Jesus Christ to the point of putting the ENTIRE BURDEN of voluntarily enduring suffering for the sake of sin-forgiveness upon the back of Jesus Christ. However, this has gone on for far too long, and God wants to recruit True Christians who are willing to take up their own cross of suffering and personally pay the price for sin-forgiveness rather than letting Jesus endure all of the suffering for selfish humanity. I will gradually be adding more videos with more information about the Living Martyrs Ministries project, and also some sorely needed spiritual-wisdom, sorely needed in this world of tainted teachings and dogmatisms...read the information at http://www.living-martyr.org/ (I also have a mirror-site at http://Truth.AeiusCercle.Com/ ), and if you can help with anything at all, please let me know and may God bless you!

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