Strangers Surprise Waitress With $4000 Tip

Strangers Surprise Waitress With $4000 Tip

One waitress is getting the surprise of her life when strangers leave her a $4000 tip. The hidden camera show Random Acts is known for rewarding individuals who have gone above and beyond or are in need. The hosts will choose some one to surprise with a random act of kindness. This can be monetary, an experience or even a item like a new home.

Over the years, many people have been blessed by this organization and they’re back again to surprise Laura, a waitress in Seattle. Laura is known for participating in her own acts of kindness, but now it’s time for her to get the thanks she deserves.

Before her dinner shift, the hosts set out to earn money for the big tip. They hit the streets and start to sing, dance, and even make balloon animals to raise funds. One by one, passerbys drop money in the bin and there are even a few individuals who donate a large sum. But the biggest blessing was when one anonymous donor said they would match whatever money the team raised. That brought the total to over $4000.

When dinnertime arrived, two members of the team posed as patrons at the restaurant. They were seated in Laura’s section and had a pleasant interaction with the caring waitress.

After she brought the check, they wrote a note and underneath they left the big tip. The look on Laura’s face when she realizes exactly what is happening is priceless. She definitely deserves every bit of this moment and I’m so glad that organizations like Random Acts exist to help others.

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