First Look At New TV Show 'God Friended Me'

First Look At New TV Show 'God Friended Me'

Have you ever gotten a strange friend request on social media? Were you unsure if the person was real or fake? Well, that’s exactly what happens to Miles Finer in the new CBS show ‘God Friended Me.’ Miles is an outspoken atheist whose life is turned upside down when he receives a friend request on social media from God.

At first, Miles is super skeptical, but when the request keeps coming in, Miles decides to accept. And what happens after that is truly an amazing story. In this show, God sends friend suggestions to Miles for people he’s about to meet in real life. And while Miles doesn’t know why he is supposed to be friends with these strangers, he decides to trust in God.

The show preview also goes on to showcase how each life is intertwined and just one small act can start off a chain of events. Miles has unwittingly becomes an agent of change in the lives and destinies of others around him.

I was already interested from the preview, so I can’t wait to see the rest of this new program. This show definitely looks like a refreshing change of pace for our weekday lineup and I’m looking forward to it.

Starring Brandon Micheal Hall, ‘God Friended Me’ is set to premiere this fall on CBS. I’m always looking for new television shows to watch and this one looks really good. What did you think of this preview? Will you be tuning in to ‘God Friended Me’ this fall?

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