Kristina Kuzmic Offers Advice For Those Who Are Struggling

Kristina Kuzmic Offers Advice For Those Who Are Struggling

Kristina Kuzmic is known all over the Internet for her honesty and ability to talk about the daily struggles of life. Usually, she blends humor with her commentary, but today we’re getting to see a whole different side of this advice-giving mom.

We all go through tough times in our lives, but Kristina wants us to remember that our situations can change. “Whatever you’re going through, whether it’s something really heavy and life-altering like a divorce or a huge financial struggle, or whether it’s just everyday parenting chaos like potty training or teen drama or tantrums, it’s not permanent.”

She recalls a time in her life when she struggled financially. Kristina was working 2 jobs to support her family, but she still relied on food stamps to help buy food. One of her darkest moments came while standing in line to pay at the grocery store and she heard a woman behind her say “Why don’t you get a job instead of mooching off the government?”

Kristina was so overcome with embarrassment and sadness that she didn’t even have the strength to say anything to the stranger. In the moment, she felt like this would be her permanent situation with everyone always looking down on her. But now her life is entirely different.

When we are struggling in our lives, it’s so important to remember that the situation can change. “This is right now. This is not forever. You are not stuck.” This message really hit me hard. What about you?

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