Singing River Chronicle, Chronicles of the Bride, Journeys in Heaven

Singing River Chronicle, Chronicles of the Bride, Journeys in Heaven

Singing River Chronicle of the Bride, in Heaven with Jesus

Here is an unpublished episode from Chronicles of the Bride II. The Lord took me to Heaven once again, this time near God the Father's bungalow. YES! God the Father has a simple forest dwelling high on a sandy hill in a lush tropical forest.

You didn't think He was stuck to that throne did you? I say this tongue in cheek, meaning no irreverence at all, but He is so tender, so approachable, so lovable. Yes, when He is on the Throne a whole different side of Him is manifest to those present.

But away from 'work' so to speak, He leads a wonderfully simple and pure life, just as the Garden of Eden created for us in the beginning. I don't know how many of you have been to a place with crystal clear water…water that is like a magnifying glass when you look into it, Itchetuckne Springs in Florida is a place such as this, and it is the closest thing I can think of to the singing river.

Jesus took me on this river in a canoe, deep inside a cave filled with crystals cave where light emanated from everything.

Towards the end of this experience the Lord asked me to share it with you and to also share with you the method to use in going to Heaven with Him, as well as the little book we use to verify it is Jesus we are with and not a familiar spirit.

Enjoy…this truly is a sweet little journey. BTW My videos, Journeys Thru the Beautiful have a wonderful sound very much like the places we journeyed to together. You can download the whole album for free at on the music page.

Thank you for listening. God bless your time with Him in Heaven. Clare

We are a full time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you thirty fold, both now and in the age to come.

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