Spirit of the Lord? or Spirit of the Pharisee?

Spirit of the Lord? or Spirit of the Pharisee?

Recently the Lord shared the grief He feels when Christians judge with harshness, especially on the internet in front of the whole world. You Tube offers a forum for many prophetic people, some flaky and some more plausible. When we feel called to leave a comment that is correctional in content, what kind of spirit are we coming from as we share our opinion, our evidence, our convictions?

Are we gentle, kind and loving? Submitting our evidence and conviction with humility and gentleness in hopes of doing a kindness to a brother or sister in bringing them what we believe is the truth?

Or are we a bit harsh, cynical and judgmental, the spirit of the Pharisee, self assured, self righteous, arrogant, prideful and authoritarian, making a clever put down for all to see?

In the world, put downs are the order of the day. But if we are not of the world but of the Lord, how then should we make comments when we feel something is in error?

Do we unleash our cynicism and disgust on those who have carefully presented a video, or do we submit our opinions with a gentle and kind hearted spirit, hoping to reason with someone we feel is in error?

The world is looking on Christians, they are looking at us to see if we behave as they do, after all, what's the difference? "Christians are ugly to their own, so what's the big deal about Jesus?"

We may only get one chance to touch others on the net, let's make it count.

We are a full time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you thirty fold, both now and in the age to come.


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