Do Not Fear or Reject Intimacy with God, He Desires Your Company

Do Not Fear or Reject Intimacy with God, He Desires Your Company

The Lord of Glory aches for companionship with His Bride, but we are so often bound by fear. In this teaching I share how the Lord has led us into profound intimacy with Him. I address all the arguments against this natural need we have to fill the God shaped place in our souls, I list the Scriptural promises He has given us about intimacy with Him.

He longs to speak with us, one on one, more than we can ever long for Him. He seeks the companionship of His creatures just as it was in the Garden of Eden. God has not changed, He is forever the same and having redeemed us by the Blood of the Lamb, we in a very real sense are being returned to the innocence and purity of the Garden before the Fall.

All that is necessary is commitment and the willingness to protect our very special time with Him by giving Him our best hours, our best energy, and complete attention, just as any bride to be would seek out quality time with her fiance before the wedding.

There is so much to talk about, so many dreams to dream, so much to look forward to and even now, still many choppy waters to navigate.

He waits for us with arms full of graces unknown to most. He saves the choicest blessings for the ones that will respond. He longs to be comforted for the ones He has called, and called, and called, but do not respond.

In this video is a prophetic word from Him about the graces He is waiting to shower on the Christian that wants to enter the Holy of Holies and Dwell there with God.

Don't quench the Spirit of God and withdraw from Him, rather pursue Him with your whole heart until you have captured Him...He longs for this.

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