Pacific Ring of Fire Earthquake and Wyoming Nuclear Event Prophetic Dreams

Pacific Ring of Fire Earthquake and Wyoming Nuclear Event Prophetic Dreams

Two short prophetic dreams we believe are from the Lord, one Ezekiel had about the ring of fire and the other I had about a nuclear event in Wyoming, of all places! Just a little research about Wyoming reveals that there are several nuclear silos left over from the cold war that have not been decommissioned.

We have lots of dreams, but very few carry the signature of the Holy Spirit. It is a certain kind of knowing and urgency we feel deep in our gut…and many times they may just be warning dreams so we can pray that the events will be mitigated or not even happen at all.

We are a full time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you thirty fold, both now and in the age to come.

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