Agent Shares With Parents Where Teens May Hide Drugs

Agent Shares With Parents Where Teens May Hide Drugs

Teen drug usage is a serious thing. No parent ever wants to face the reality that their teenagers are easily exposed to or even hiding drugs in the home. But it is a sad truth and use is on the rise. It is best to be prepared, especially if you are raising a teenager.

Timothy McMahon a drug enforcement administration agent took the time to warn parents of the possibilities and help them look for drugs that teens could be hiding in their rooms. If a parent notices that their teenager has a decline in grades or if their behaviors are different, this could be a result of drug use. Even though the parents may not use drugs, the teen can still bring it in the home from the outside and use it in the house.

Drugs can hide anywhere, but teens who use drugs hide them in very unlikely objects. They can be hidden in anything from stuffed animals, lipstick cases, and backpack straps, the possible hiding spaces are endless.

To help parents be more aware, Timothy did an exercise with two mothers of teens. The goal is to help them develop an eye for where children usually hid drugs. Timothy urges parents to be mindful and pay close attention to your children. This could ultimately help save their lives.

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