Grandma With Alzheimer's Plays The Harmonica

Grandma With Alzheimer's Plays The Harmonica

This precious 84-year-old woman is living with Alzheimer's disease. This heartbreaking disorder can rob a person of so much and truly take a toll on the family. But sometimes, people manage to hold on to a special something. And it is always beautiful to see the moment when that one thing shines through.

That's exactly what is happening with this beautiful grandmother. She stole our hearts a while back with a video of her yodeling. And now this sweet granny is back and this time she is playing the harmonica! It is so neat to see how music seems to be one thing this sweet woman is holding on to. And there is no doubt that she is one talented musician. How she busts out this incredible harmonica tune with almost no effort is truly awesome.

It is absolutely beautiful to get a glimpse of the things that truly mean the most to her. It's so heartwarming to watch this special moment and I know the family will cherish this video for a lifetime. Let's continue to pray for anyone affected and that the Lord will take care of each and every one of them.

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