Cat Only Takes Food In A Bag

Cat Only Takes Food In A Bag

This kind woman's heart nearly broke when she saw all of the hungry stray cats in her neighborhood. So that's when she decided to go out as often as she could to bring the stray cats food. But she noticed that one of the cats, Dong Suk, would only take food if it was left in a bag.

So each time she brought the other cats food, she made sure to take a special bag for Dong. Finally, she decided to see where Dong was taking all those bags and followed her. It was then that she discovered that Dong had a kitten who she was bringing the food for.

Dong had actually had 5 kittens but this kitten was her last one left. When this kind woman realized the sacrifice this loving mother cat was making she knew she had to help. So she helped find this momma and her kitten a home with their very own cat house.

It is so wonderful to see the two of them in a warm house together. What an incredible mom!

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