Man Shows How To Stop A Bully

Man Shows How To Stop A Bully

We've all heard the heartbreaking stories of how violent and out of control bullying has gotten. In this world of social media, bullies can find their way right into kids' living rooms, leaving them no where to hide.

Author and speaker Brooks Gibbs knows just how dangerous bullying can be so he decided to find a solution that can help kids stop bullies once and for all. He uses the idea of dominance to show students how to get the upper hand when a bully confronts them. He used a student volunteer to pretend to be a bully so that he could demonstrate this principle.

She starts saying hateful things and he starts firing right back. Each insult leads to another insult and the fight quickly escalates. So he stops her and then asks to start again. But this time instead of reacting negatively to the bully he responds in kindness and positivity. The calmer he is the harder it is for her to come up with mean things to say.

Of course, in a real-life situation it wouldn't be quite this easy. But with time and persistence this would really work! We need to share this with all of the teens in our lives in hopes that they could help end bullying in their own schools for once and for all!

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