"A Different Home" Help Association in Poznan - Poland

"A Different Home" Help Association in Poznan - Poland

"A Different Home" Help Association in Poland is a group of young Christians, who with passion and love desire to help people.


"We believe that we can have a real influence on the reality sorroundin us" - they said. - "We also desire to give hope and chances to those who are in particular need of them".


"A Different Home" reached to the children who are in the difficult life situation (with the special regard to the alcoholic families). In co-operation with City Family Help Center, opened the Socio-Therapeutic Youth Center "Nibylandia", which took over the care of about 25 children.


"The needs around us are quite more than we can expected... we reckon that we are not able to fulfill all our plans within our own strength. We need your help! Therefore, we turn to you for financial support, it can be through single or periodic payments to the Association's account.


direct address: Stowarzyszenie Pomocy "Inny Dom" w Poznaniu, ul. Kołłątaja 47, 61-413 Poznań POLAND


BANK DETAILS: BANK BZ WBK S.A., ACCOUNT NO: PL 31 1090 1463 0000 0001 0596 7026, BIC/SWIFT: WBKTPLXXX



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