Who's it gonna be ? Jesus or Satan ? Jesus LOVES you ! & Satan hates you !

Who's it gonna be ? Jesus or Satan ? Jesus LOVES you  !  & Satan hates you !

Who's it gonna be ? Jesus or Satan ?

We belong to God NOT Satan unless we chose satan -
God Gave you Freewill to chose over Good and Evil . he gave us a second chance .even after the great flood of Noah , we could STILL not be good .
So he sent his ONE and ONLY SON in Jesus Christ , to pay OUR sin dept for us ! And do we even deserve it ??? NO we most certainly do not !
Its a learning process we are in now, and that defines our lives , but you have also freewill as to who'm will be your Teacher , and there is ONLY ONE and he is also yours and My Saviour , and he will be He who purifies us , unto eternal life !
We are going to go through tribulation , there will be no magical rapture happening , if he died for you , the least you can do is NOT to try to attempt to play the "get me out of here ' card . bbcause that won't work.
Jesus wats us to go through this mighty adventure of the Good Fight , so fight the good fight , God has a purpose for you , and get his Full armour provided .
Do your part then as Christ fulflled hHis in VICTORY !

Stand strong !

You're never alone!

He loves you !

He fights for you !

“Do not be afraid of them; the LORD your God himself will fight for you.” Deut. 3:22

Armor of God !

We may forget at times but one thing is true - this world is a battlefield. Day by day, hour by hour, we face a spiritual war and an enemy who’s real. He wants nothing more than to bring defeat, for his main aim is to steal, kill, and destroy. The forces of darkness don't wait for us to be ready for their attack. They're ruthless, determined, and cunning. The devil could care less if we "feel" prepared, or prayed up for our day. In fact, he prefers we're not.

God has given us his Word and Spirit, powerful and true, so we'll have the wisdom and protection to stand against the enemy. As I read the

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