Billy Graham's Classic Sermon On Life After Death

Check out this classic sermon given by Billy Graham on life after death.

“Once you die, is that it? Is that all there is? Or will you live again?” reads the caption of this YouTube video. “Hear from Billy Graham about the power of Jesus' resurrection—and what that means for you—taken from his 1966 message in Greenville, South Carolina.”

At the beginning of this black and white video, Billy Graham starts his sermon by preaching from the book of Job. Then he poses this question.

“Here is the question. If a man dies, shall he live again?” he says. “The problem of death and life. Or life and death. Haven’t you ever thought about that?”

Later, he goes on to say this. “Now the great question is, are you ready to meet God? Because the Bible says it’s appointed onto man once to die. But after that the judgement! There is something after death according to this book,” he says. “Now again, I’ll say I can’t take you to a scientific laboratory to prove it to you, but this book teaches from Genesis to Revelation that this life is only a preparation room for eternity. There is another life! The Old Testament teaches it. The New Testament teaches it. Jesus taught it!”

But Billy Graham reminds us that it is not up to our works that get us to the next life. “I’m not going to heaven because I’ve lived a good life. I’m not going to heaven because I’ve preached to great crowds of people. I’m going to heaven because of what Christ did on that cross.

Then he quotes Ephesians 2:9 – “not by works, so that no one can boast.” All we have to do is receive Christ to receive the gift of everlasting life with the Father.

At the end of the sermon there was an alter call and many people came up to the front to give their lives to Christ. How wonderful!

What a great message that Billy Graham made come alive so beautifully!

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