'God Is Strong Enough' Original Song by Ransomed Bluegrass

'God Is Strong Enough' Original Song by Ransomed Bluegrass

The talented band Ransomed Bluegrass performs their original song titled ‘God Is Strong Enough’ and hope it encourages those that listen to it.

“We just want to, collectively as a group here, thank you so much for the support you’ve given us over the past couple of years,” says the lead singer of the band at the start of their YouTube video.

“We want to give all the honor and glory back to God. Tonight, we’d like to share with you an original song, something a little new for us. It’s a song that I wrote in a time in my life where I was struggling with some things. I was looking for answers. And God was willing to give me those answers if You ask Him for them. And that’s the awesome thing about a relationship with God is that he’s always there. You can always go to Him with any situation or problem. Tonight, as we were playing and we sang this song, we were just practicing, and we realized that this song speaks right into the times that we are in right now. Times of uncertainty and not knowing what’s next.”

Their hopeful song is full of beautiful lyrics that can encourage any weary heart.

“Sometimes you feel life's waters rush too strong.
You thought your strength's enough but found out you were wrong.
You search for anything to pull you safe to shore
And you hear a voice calmly tell you ‘Fear no more’

He gives you grace to weather out the storm.
He whispers: "Peace be still" where fear begins to fall.
His tender voice will tell you ‘Child, I'm holding you’.
My friend, My God is Strong enough to see you through.”

“You are all awesomely gifted by God! Thank you for sharing,” comments one of their fans on their YouTube page. “God is using your talents to roll away stones and empty graves! May God continue to richly bless you!”

“Thank you, gentlemen! Love your harmonies, musicianship and most importantly your faith in our Lord,” writes another person on YouTube.

What a beautiful song, and how wonderful it is to see these men using their musical talents to praise the Lord.

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