PTSD: Overcoming the Trauma of Abuse

PTSD: Overcoming the Trauma of Abuse

This is my story of God's grace and healing. In this video, I share my childhood story of growing up in a physically and sexually abusive situation. I talk about the emotional trauma and living with PTSD for almost 50 years before really starting the healing process with a Christian therapist.

As a child, I believed the lies of my abusers. I believed I was worthless, stupid, and bound for failure, but that wasn't true, and it surely wasn't what God intended for my life. Shame and guilty became the burdens I carried as I kept the darkest of secrets. Trusting others was almost impossible, but God in His gentleness guided me right where I needed to be in order to learn how to trust.

This video is part 1 and in part 2 I sit down with my Christian counselor for a Q&A session about the healing process in connection with my faith in Christ. Downloads of this video and part two can be found on the resource page at

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