Dance Crew V.Unbeatable Perform Dare Devil Stunts On AGT Semi-Finals

Dance Crew V.Unbeatable Perform Dare Devil Stunts On AGT Semi-Finals

The inspiring dance group V Unbeatable returns to the America’s Got Talent stage for a jaw-dropping semifinal performance.

We first met this talented ensemble when they defied the air with their initial audition. This dance crew ranges in ages from 12 to 27.

In total, there are 28 members in V.Unbeatable and many of them come from the slums of Mumbai. In these areas, there is no electricity and the conditions are very dirty.

Sometimes there are seven or more people in one area that is barely meant for two. There are not many opportunities to advance in the slums, but this group found comfort and support through dance.

Their first audition left the theater in awe and America was immediately a fan. Now, they are back for an unforgettable semifinal performance full of flips and twists like we’ve never seen before.

This fast-paced routine is a combination of dance and acrobatics with epic high-flying tricks. And just when you think they cannot get any higher in the air, the dance crew pulled out the ladder.

The longer the routine continues, the better it truly gets. I could barely keep up, let alone imagine actually completing these maneuvers. And just when you think the entire routine is over, the group kicks it up another notch for the grand finale.

V.Unbeatable is definitely pulling out all the stops for a chance at the America’s Got Talent. It’s obvious that they left everything on the stage.

Do you think this dance crew has what it takes to win the entire competition?

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