Blood Market Bust How God, though Jesus, hacked the system Part 2

Blood Market Bust How God, though Jesus, hacked the system Part 2

"The bible is a record God's relationship with humanity--severed through one man and reconciled through another.

Throughout this story, blood is a central character: the fall of man, shielding Israel from the final plague in Egypt, Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Blood is a thread that runs through many of these stories, but it can be hard to understand why it is important.

Tonight, with scripture as our evidence, we will see how God used blood to grant us the freedom to choose life or death.

We will see how the blood of one man sold us into slavery, and how the blood of another granted us the freedom to choose adoption unto life."

Teaching begins 01:43

The cost of eternal life is more than we have to give 04:49

Jesus was The Son of God 11:04

The requirements of the Lamb of God. 14:33

The angel of death passed over the houses with the blood on the door frame 19:40

The riches of the mystery revealed 25:37

The new creation 29:00

We now serve in the spirit not under the law 30:20

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