The JIM LA DUKE Born Again Christian Testimony: Part 1 of 2

Jim La Duke wanted a heavenly fire insurance policy. Meaning,when he died, he wanted to make certain he would go to heaven and not go to hell. However, his love for sports and alcohol was much greater than his love for God, and he was quite content to trust Jesus Christ to be his Savior, but letting Jesus Christ become LORD in his life? Well,that was another matter. That - Jim knew nothing about.

Jim would go to church with his wife, Nancy, but he never got anything out of the messages. He was going just to please his wife, and maybe please God.

Then some things began to happen that changed all that for Jim! Jim discovered the IMPORTANCE of allowing Jesus to become LORD of ones life. Allowing Him to become LORD is the difference between truly being Saved or not.

Jim was called of God to help oversee The Dream Center in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The Dream Center is a Christian outreach to the community.

Then God called Jim and Nancy to an outreach ministry is Florida, where he currently is being used of God to help prisoners, drug addicts and alcoholics find freedom through Jesus Christ. To read more about Jim, you can go to GOOGLE and type in: TESTIMONY DIRECTORY. Then scroll down to his name.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Surrendering Control to God's Will - Your Daily Prayer - January 16

There may not be a "happy ending" in this life, but thank God He uses this life to prepare us for the next, where there is no pain, suffering, or tears!

Read Today's Devotional