Is There Anybody Out There? (original song) Sound Impression

Is There Anybody Out There? (original song) Sound Impression

This is one of our favorite songs. We decided to try and put our thoughts into pictures as well as sound. Sound Impression are a small family with a couple of musicians and some voice talent. This is an original song, produced this year (2008). <br />

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The video was shot at and around our home. The pictures (some famous; some notorious) were gathered from around the world. We have a small sound studio in our home, and the entire song was conceived and created within our own walls. The video was shot with a simple Digital 8 video camera, and both video and audio were edited using Sony Vegas Pro 8. The audio was captured using Sony Sound Forge 9. <br />

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Those of you who want the lyrics and chords for this song, paste this link into your browser and hit go: <br />

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If you have an iTunes account (or WalMart, Amazon, etc.) and want to preview the MP3 album "Leave the Thorns Alone", do a search for that title. <br />

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Thanks for listening.

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