The Prayer Driven Life

The Prayer Driven Life

The Prayer Driven Life, using Paul's prayers as a backdrop, explores questions that many have about prayer. What is prayer? Why do we pray? How do we pray? What difference does prayer make in my life?

Although prayer is a common topic within the Christian market, focus on Paul's prayers is unique. Some exciting truths are discovered in the exploration of Paul's prayers, both in general categories and in the context of his letters. Having taught application of these principles in several different settings, Stephanie has discovered that the excitement about what God has to say through Paul's prayers is contagious.
Stephanie writes in an easy reading style with an emphasis on personal reflection and application. An allegory sets the stage for the book and draws it to its conclusion. Expanded illustrations throughout the book help the reader see God as an intimate Heavenly Father who loves each of His children with an everlasting love.
Anyone who wants to grow in his own personal prayer life would benefit from The Prayer Driven Life. The book is designed for either personal or group study. Questions for reflection at the end of the chapters promote discussion among a Bible study group.
The Prayer Driven Life may be ordered from the publisher at or any major online retailer such as,, or You may also request a copy from your local bookseller. Stephanie's website is

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