Song Jesus

I helped the daughter of a Congolese preacher. she took me to the nearest evangelic church, First in bits and pieces I received a melody that was not at all common to the songs I normally write, and suddenly completely, this song came to me in a creasy moment. and so I wrote it down in a creasy moment, later on I made a video in a creasy moment, later on I put it on the internet, in a creasy moment. Pl. Don't hold me responsible for the consequences.... I upload it here, because this feels like a save environment to share such a song. I'm not really able to handle much critisism... thanks for your kindness and understanding. The lyrics and music are not mine, they where given to me, I'm only here to share this. I don't feel like I own this song.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Tell Yourself a Better Story - Your Daily Prayer - February 11

We must be aware of our words and choose them wisely so that we can breathe life into our stories.

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