Act Of Kindness At The Mall Brings Cancer Survivor To Tears

Check out this story of one act of kindness at the mall that brought a cancer survivor to tears.

One woman shared a story on TikTok about a recent trip to the mall. “So, I’m crying,” she says at the beginning of the video. “I’m at the mall, and I’m walking by this kiosk. I’m Christmas shopping. And I have this hat on so you can’t see that I’m bald, and I walk by this hair-straightener kiosk thing, you know the guys over there that try to sell their hair straighteners and their products.”

She goes one to share how one of the guys selling at the kiosk came up to her and asked, “Do you use hair products, do you use hair straighteners?”

She responded saying, “Nah, I don’t have hair. I went through chemo treatments, and I had cancer.”

The salesman quickly apologized and then asked her if she beat the cancer.

“I said yes,” says the woman. “And he goes, ‘Here.’ He takes one of these out; these are worth like 150 bucks. Look at this! And he gave me one for free!”

The woman is showing off her brand-new straightener with a big smile on her face.

“I was like, ‘Are you sure?’ And he was like, ‘Yes! For when your hair grows back. You can style it however you want!’”

What a sweet act of kindness! The woman was in disbelief and kept asking him if he was sure about giving it to her for free. He kept letting her know that the straightener was all hers. It was a gift that he wanted to bless her with.

“So, If you were the guy at the Emerald Mall, I’m absolutely floored. Thank you! I love you. You made my day, my week, my year,” says the woman at the end of her video. “I burst out into tears as soon as I walked away. As soon as you said it was okay, I was speechless, man. If this gets to you, whoever you are, I am so thankful. Thank you so much!”

May we all look for ways that we can encourage and uplift those around us like the salesman did for this cancer survivor!

Source: TikTok

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A Prayer to Be a Comfort to Your Friend - Your Daily Prayer - January 24

Lord, help us be a Titus to others. Develop within our hearts a sensitivity for the Holy Spirit’s leading to comfort our friends.

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