Mother Warns After Strand Of Hair On Baby's Toe Sends Him To ER

Mother Warns After Strand Of Hair On Baby's Toe Sends Him To ER

Parents know there are a million things to worry about with children, but you may want to add another to your list after watching this momma share how a strand of hair on her baby’s toe sent him to the ER! 

Sprains, bruises, scrapes, rashes—those are just a few of the physical ailments that often befall every single kid before they learn to walk! Those are the ones everyone knows about. Here’s one you might not have heard of. It’s called Hair Tourniquet Syndrome, and it can be very dangerous!

Watch as one little guy’s parents share their experience with this bizarre, and fortunately unlikely, situation. 

Meet Missouri family Tony and Sara Ward, and their adorable son, Logan. Tony and Sara express how concerned they were when 5-month-old Logan’s toe became very red and swollen. The video shows how angry and sore it was when they made the decision to rush Logan to his pediatrician. 

Though they had observed a “line” around Baby Logan’s toe, they had no idea what was causing it to become so inflamed. The pediatrician identified the problem as Hair Tourniquet Syndrome, which is a condition whereby a tiny hair or thread gets wrapped around a body part and cuts off circulation in the area. If not treated soon enough, the tissue can die. Most often, HTS happens to fingers or toes. 

The family’s pediatrician spent forty minutes doctoring Logan’s toe. Using a magnifying glass, tweezers, and even a scalpel, the doctor worked to remove a segment of hair from Logan’s toe. However, by the next morning, Logan’s toe had gotten worse.   

Sara and Tony took Logan to the emergency room, and he was then admitted to the hospital. Even though his toe was in bad shape, Logan looks sweet and happy in his cute blue pajamas. 

Sara describes how they progressed through the day applying hair removal creams and numbing ointments in order to probe the toe sufficiently and release the entire hair wrapped around Logan’s little piggy. Eventually, it worked! 

Once freed from that horrible strand of hair, Logan’s precious middle toe healed beautifully. Mom and Dad raise their little guy up to show everyone just how pretty Logan’s toe is again.

It certainly is a blessing to have medical facilities, doctors and nurses, proper tools, and pharmaceutical products that help loving parents care for their sweet kids! And, it’s a blessing when families like The Wards share their stories to help others down the line! 

“We love because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:19

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