Cats Love Playing With The Window Washers

Cats Love Playing With The Window Washers

They may not be the same species or speak the same language, but these cats love playing with the window washers perched outside the windows of their high-rise building!

Meet brothers Guinness, Pimms, and Nagi and their mother Rina Takei, along with the window cleaners who keep them entertained!

This family of boys and mother Rina are evidently staying in the United Kingdom, but they call Japan home. Rina speaks in another language throughout the video, her words appearing in English as subtitles. In reality, though, we don’t need words to see what’s taking place on this super cute video!

We meet Guinness first. He’s the eldest, and his behavior demonstrates that. He is large and in charge! Guinness follows the window washers’ brush strokes across the window, reaches up to touch the paw of his friend on the other side of the glass, and jumps up in an effort to grab the cleaner’s rope. He’s very serious about the whole thing!

Guinness is a black cat, but it doesn’t appear the window cleaners are superstitious. They seem fearless and completely unconcerned about any black-cat bad luck! They are as playful as Guinness, teasing him and tapping the window.

Next, we are introduced to Pimms. He’s a ginger feline with an unusual coat and a very different demeanor. Pimms is content to hang back and let Guinness take the lead. He appears timider or “chill” about the whole plate-glass pastime.

Rina’s family grows once again, and we meet baby Nagi. He’s a cutie with a head of beautiful black hair. Nagi grows from a newborn to a toddler in the video, and he also becomes a fan of his brothers’ friends at the window. The window cleaners make faces and wave, and Nagi kicks his legs with excitement!

Over the course of many months, these humans and animals make connections, and it is really heartwarming to watch! While it seems there is so much disagreement and discord in the world, it really is reassuring to see some light!

Before leaving the country, Rina reached out to the concierge in her building, asking for an opportunity to meet the friendly fellows that regularly worked outside her windows. They came and met Rina and her family, and even posed for a photograph! Well done gentlemen! What a better place this world would be if everyone took just a few moments each day to make another person—or a sweet creature—a wee bit happier!

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,” Philippians 2:3

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