Writing Our Own Narrative

Writing Our Own Narrative

What is our narrative? What is the story-line that we’ve authored to explain our world, or allay our fears, or justify our agendas, or excuse our behaviors? What is the narrative that we’ve created to give ourselves permission to do whatever we want permission to do? What are the story-lines, the spins, the bits of fiction that we create so that we don’t have to face the truth, or face the world, or worse yet, face ourselves? What is our narrative?

And have we immersed ourselves in our narratives to the point that they have become our truth? Can we lie to ourselves long enough, hard enough, and convincingly enough that we become entirely deceived by the lies that we ourselves have created? And in these pathetic narratives borne of rampant fear, famished greed, mis-placed motives, and ethics long cast aside in the crazed search of pleasure mongering…in these sordid narratives, have we likewise penned the lines of our own destruction? Are we, in fact, the authors of our own demise? For in the words of Walt Kelly, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”

We need to stop being our own enemy and allow God to save us from the enemy that we have become.

"'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.'"
- Isaiah 55:8-9

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