"LifeTalk" - A Positive, Powerful and Thoughtful Podcast

'LifeTalk' - A Positive, Powerful and Thoughtful Podcast

The world is confused. It runs in random courses based on whatever might be popular, vogue, or trendy. And into this confusion comes innumerable voices. Most are propagating well-worn philosophies that are politically-correct, that seek to adhere to the current narrative, and that do little to sort out the confusion and disorientation that they, in fact, feed.

"LifeTalk" is a podcast centered on Biblical truth, grounded in Christian ethics, informed by the reality of the times, entirely relevant, and unafraid to speak that which is unpopular. "LifeTalk" offers three different podcast styles. The "Podcast Short" is a brief podcast that delivers something meaningful for the busy individual. "Thoughts for the Day" provides a quick thought to center your day upon. And finally, "Excerpts" is a series of podcasts that are taken directly from one of Craig's seven published books.

You can locate information regarding "LifeTalk" and it's variant programs at https://lounsbroughslifetalkpodcast.wordpress.com/.

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