Cats Hilariously Flee When Ed Sheeran Begins Playing

Cats Hilariously Flee When Ed Sheeran Begins Playing

Singer and songwriter Ed Sheeran is one of the biggest names in all of music, playing to thousands of screaming and adoring fans in sold-out venues, but despite all that success, cats don’t appear to be fans of his.

For any musician to achieve a sustained and consistent career singing and writing songs, they must build up and acquire a loyal fanbase. That makes sense, right? They need people willing to buy their music and purchase tickets to see them perform in concert. However, that is much easier said than done.

Even Ed Sheeran, who is internationally known for such hits as “Shape of You,” “Perfect” and “Shivers,” has had trouble building up his fanbase among one particular segment of the population: felines. 

In a clip posted on YouTube, Ed visited a cat café in Japan. While there, Ed decided to play the felines a tune. While sitting in the center of the room, with guitar in hand, Ed is surrounded by cats chowing down. 

Ed then asks his furry, four-legged friends if they want to listen to him play a song. But the second he strums his instrument, the cats scatter. Apparently, the cats did not want to enjoy a little music with their meal.

Several people in the room laugh about the fleeing felines. Ed gives a dejected look at his less-than-perfect reception. However, he does power through and continues playing, but his playing is still not well received. Several cats maintain their distance from him while they watch Ed cautiously.

The clip also shows that Ed got a similar reaction from the cats when he visited the very same cafe a decade earlier, in 2014. Instead of stopping to take in the free performance, they ran away. 

It just goes to show you that not all music is for everyone.

Ephesians 5:19 “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;”

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