HUGE IDENTITY CHANGE! The DAROL STACY Born Again Testimony: 1 of 4

HUGE IDENTITY CHANGE!  The DAROL STACY Born Again Testimony:  1 of 4

Darol Stacy came from a family of 12. One might thing he would have received plenty of love in a family that size, but he did not. Instead, he experience rejection and little love. He grew up into his teenage years, carrying the scars of that rejection. Even when he sought out female companionship, he received even more rejection. With a gaping hole in his heart and a need to feel loved and be accepted, a same-gender relationship seemed to fill that painful void, and for 17 years, Darol stayed in the same-gender lifestyle where he felt safe and secure. But then the time came when He heard it said that God loves us just as we are, and accepts us just as we are. That was a radical concept, to Darol, to say the least, and the more he listened, the more attracted he was to a God like that. Today, Darol is happily married to Laura, a woman God gave him to feel complete with, and together they share the incredible love of God to those who are crying out for love and acceptance just like they once used to be. To view all segments of this testimony, go to the TESTIMONY DIRECTORY on, and scroll down to his name.

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