7 times a day i will praise you

7 times a day i will praise you

The Monastery of San Benedetto (priory), Norcia, Italy. Roman catholic Monks, following the Rule of St. Benedict of Nursia.Founded in 1998, Rome , Italy, transferred to Norcia in the Umbria region in 2000 ad.Why monks? In every age, God has raised up men and women who hear Christ's call to discipleship, and respond in a radical way, leaving the comfort of friends and family to dedicate themselves completely to the Lord. The radical nature of this way of life finds a sympathetic echo in the human heart, which is "restless until it rests it Thee", as St. Augustine put it. When the Lord Jesus walked this earth, disciples gathered round him who wanted to be with him, remain with him, abide with him forever. The monk longs to follow the Lord in the same way.<br />

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Who is eligible? Men from ages 20-40 years old, practicing their Catholic faith, docile to the Holy Spirit, and willing to take up the strong bright weapons of obedience in order to follow Christ our true King.

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