Tara Alexander EPK

Tara Alexander EPK

Taking care of her ailing grandfather on his way to heaven would prove to be one the most rewarding experiences of her life. This experience pushed Tara Alexander to deliver her best musical offering yet. She takes listeners to the moment where she realized that she lost a piece of herself and then found it in the words of an old man that had lived and knew that life was way too short. His old fashioned sayings started to make sense... And then the light bulb moment happened. After traveling internationally, her grandfather's words launched her into the best voyage she would ever take. This trip brought her not to Paris, not to Brazil but his words brought her....Full Circle: Back to Being Free. <br />

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Full Circle is a combination of jazzy and soulful. Tara Alexander slips into songs that glorify God, encourage family, and provide sweet, intimate moments that capture the Fullness of Life and Love. Tara's approach in this project does not compromise the music or the message. It is as much musical as it is inspirational. Her goal is to inspire others into the freedom she rediscovered all over again!

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