Archeologist of Blue Ridge

Archeologist of Blue Ridge

While we lived in Roanoke,Virginia, my mother started collecting antique bottles. She'd go to a site where she thought that people used to live, and then she's began to dig. Over time my mother built an amazing bottle collection. She'd take Charlie our Dachshund with her on her adventures. One day while Charlie sat on our front porch, my mother went to the store. When she returned, Charlie was gone. Three days went by and still no Charlie. We assumed someone had stolen him, and gave up hope of ever seeing him again. Things went back to normal, and my mother finally returned to her bottle dig. When she did, she was shocked at what she found. There Charlie was jumping up and down in excitement. You see. Charlie thought that my mother was going on a dig earlier when she had gotten in her car. Somehow he had found his way back to the dig. (Before he had only gotten there by car). Charlie had waited 3 days and nights without food or water for my mother to dig. When she saw him, she just sat down on the ground and cried.

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