The criminalisation of New Zealand parents who discipline children biblically. Will you obey God or man?

The criminalisation of New Zealand parents who discipline children biblically. Will you obey God or man?

New Zealand has a new law which makes the corporal punishment of children a crime. This includes smacking them with a wooden spoon or strap. The government has commissioned two reports, claiming parents are unaffected by the new law. But the reporters failed to ask even one parent how he feels about this unwarranted government intrusion into their lives. On some occasions the charges brought by the police have been dismissed in court. But the police, the psychologists, the 'welfare' agencies and the politicians are quite happy to see parents investigated and punished for using corporal punishment on children. Parents are now intimidated by unruly children who threaten to report their parents to the police if the parent dare touch them. Parental authority has been undermined by this wicked legislation. A government is supposed to reward the good and punish evil (Romans 13:1-7), but in New Zealand rewards the evildoer and punishes the good.

Dr. Garnet Milne,

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