have you been thrown under the bus lately?

have you been thrown under the bus lately?

Have you been thrown under the bus lately? Or, even worse, have you unknowingly been throwing others under the bus yourself?

This video is an important reminder to us about approaching others who have hurt us, or that are not making godly decisions in their life with scripture, so that we can make sure that as we are interacting with them, we do not find ourselves being in error within our hearts and minds before the Lord.

For example, Jesus tells us, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy" (Mt. 5:7). As we interact with one another we must remember that Jesus has called us to be merciful with one another. This is a great verse to remember when someone has wronged us.

On the other hand, if you see that a brother or sister in Christ is living in sin, or is in error, the Bible tells us in Galatians 6:1, "Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted." The Bible tells us that when we go to them, we want to do so with a gentle spirit when approaching them. What a great concept! We would normally say, "I have to confront so-and-so" for doing "such-and-such". Instead, we should say I have to "approach" so-and-so, rather than "confront" them. Meaning this, when we "approach" someone with a spirit of gentleness, it takes the "confronting" and "condemning" mindset out of the equation for us. When we "gently approach" someone, the Spirit of God will confront them with the Word of God. The Bible has called us to have a spirit of restoration with others, and to avoid having a spirit of condemnation (Matthew 7:1-5).

As you watch this devotional video, I pray that you will find encouragement to put the Bus of Self-Righteousness in park, flatten its tires, and throw the key

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