My Testimony •Adultery & Forgiveness

My Testimony  •Adultery & Forgiveness

Edward was doing every thing in his own way and in his own strength, that's when Junette his wife and Jean a Holy Spirit filled Christian began praying for Edward, he fell into a deep depression and was sure that he was going to die, there Edward had a supernatural encounter with the Holy Sprit and became Born Again and baptized in the Holy Spirit.

God supernaturally moved him to BC were he started Edward Lee Multimedia inc.

between 1991 and 1999 Edward won the entrepreneur of the year 3 times.

As a mentor of Trinity university School of Business over the past four years, Edward has written a book "Accelerated Success" which has been published by Productive Publications of Toronto, and will be available in March of 2005, this will open the door for more speaking engagements and opportunity for Christian witnessing which is Edward's passion.

Through a process of God's discipline and Edward and Junette's willingness to be Soul winners and servants of the Lord, He is bringing them into a season of blessing and favor which is the promise to all of God's children who choice to put Him first.

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