Craig's Brother - Going Blind (with Lyrics) - Music Devotion

Craig's Brother - Going Blind (with Lyrics) - Music Devotion

Craigs Brother Going Blind (with Lyrics) - Music Devotion

This is a topic so rampant yet so intentionally avoided. As a member of the exposed at a far too young of an age, I have a great amount of animosity toward this industry and the damage it continues to generate. It not only hurts the women (See Devotion on song from Showbread called "The Flies") but it also perverts the thinking of men.

Chances are that this song will make you uncomfortable. However, there is probably an even greater chance that you will relate to what the author of the song is expressing. I love his honest expression of this struggle. If we tuck this away never to be spoken ofit will never go away. It will continue to haunt us.

A pure eye lets in sunshine into your soul. A lustful eye shuts out the light and plunges you into darkness.

Luke 11.34

If we continue rationalize and justify our choices to view such imagines then we will only ruin our perception of what love, beauty and sex is really meant to be. We create a fantasy that as the author expresses is not real so long as we satisfy our lusts. It is a very real struggle for more men than is willing to admit.

I praise God for groups like who is willing to bring this out in the open as Jesus did willing to forgive and love the pros$#!$utes. I leave you with the ONLY cure from this addiction Christ Jesus

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Philippians 4.8

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