Hear The Screams

Hear The Screams

This is not the kind of song I like to write, I like beautiful music with positive themes, not dark lyrics with dark themes. It usually takes me quite a while to write a song and sometimes it is a struggle but this song came to me almost instantly. The song is now over 9 years old and I pretty much forgot about it, thought the master was long lost. Recently I was going through some things and found the song, wasn't looking for it but there it was. So I decided to make this video, maybe it will speak to someone... I don't know how to explain it but I think the elements of darkness and death we have allowed to grow in our society and our world are showing up in many other areas, when I was younger I don't ever remember running into a person without a conscience now I run into them all the time

Song Copyright W C Carter 2001

"I grew up in Bedford Falls and one day woke up in Pottersville"

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