Mason Clover "-The Lord's Prayer " Northwest Sukkot 2009

Mason Clover "-The Lord's Prayer " Northwest Sukkot 2009

Artist " Mason Clover":

Mason has always had a vision to see how songs could be interpreted if left only to the listener to decide. Street lamps and road signs, Masons solo acoustic debut album started out as songs for people in need of some down time, and slowly evolved into a diverse family of fans. Since going solo, Mason has had the opportunity to meet with fellow musicians in the likes of, Dave Matthews, Nick Lachey, Mark (Blink 182), Pay the Girl, and July for Kings. In 2003 Mason set out to evolve his dream into something more than just your rainy day acoustic tracks. Mason teamed up with Ligousa Studios and the guys from The Hum to start work on Masons first fully orchestrated album. It is just a completely new avenue for me, Mason said, I have never had the opportunity to slowly take an acoustic track and turn it into a whole production, stopping short of a string quartet, I guess you could say I am just now actually writing the songs, it is like they are reborn.

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