Keys Give Us Access

Keys Give Us Access

For a man to give you his keys is a gesture of his trust in you. He is giving you the ability to lock and unlock a part of his life. He is giving you the opportunity to use his resources on your behalf.

Jesus has given His church the keys to the kingdom of heaven. In other words, born‐again believers have been given full access to God's kingdom. If we have the keys, we have the access.
Please don't get tripped up over the terms kingdom of God and kingdom of heaven. Yes, it is a future kingdom where Christ rules and where all things are of God—in some sort of a physical sense. But it is also a present reality in a spiritual sense.
Right now, in this very moment, there is a place where Christ rules and where all things are of God. And that place is contained within the very presence of God.
“Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.’” (Mark 1:14–15 NKJV)
Jesus was essentially telling the people that when they were around Him, they were around the kingdom.
In His presence the kingdom of God (of heaven) is established in a spiritual sense. But it's more than just in a spiritual sense, because the kingdom of God (the rule and reign of Christ and the presence of all things God) materially changes our physical world.
We call those changes to our physical world “supernatural.” We refer to those changes as miracles—those

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