Matt Hybarger - The Purpose In The Pain

Matt Hybarger - The Purpose In The Pain

Matt Hybarger is a worship leader at Christian Faith Fellowship in Fort Worth, TX. He is also a published Christian artist. Here is a video I made for a song he wrote called "The Purpose In The Pain". It's a response to a question that many of us often have: "Why, God?" Well, first of all, remember, He never promised us a rose garden. John 16:33 says "In this world you *will* have trouble." Get that? You *will* have trouble. Why? So, remember this, too. The Bible also says "My ways are not your ways; My thoughts are not your thoughts." (that's God talking.) Yeah, God works in mysterious ways. You might want to look up Romans 8:28 at this point. And while you have your Bible open, look up Jeremiah 29:11.

So, God uses suffering for a purpose. My video highlights a couple of other passages that give more insight. Keep an eye out for them, and think about them. Yeah, He has a purpose. We don't need to fully understand it, we just need to trust that He knows what He is doing.

Oh, that's Scott Krippayne singing harmony. Oh, and Matt wrote this song.

Oops, I forgot to finish John 16:33, which I quoted above. That was actually Jesus talking when he said "In this world you will have trouble." But he wasn't done yet; he goes on to say "But take heart! I have overcome the world!" Hallelujah!

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