Police Officer Stops Car To Help Elderly Women Across The Street

Police Officer Stops Car To Help Elderly Women Across The Street

A police officer stopped his car to help elderly women cross the street, and not surprisingly, the video went viral!

Sometimes one moment can just make your day. Especially if it’s a moment of kindness. An anonymous viewer saw a police officer stop his car and get out. The viewer must’ve known something was going on and decided to record a video. What happened next was unexpected.

The video reveals two elderly women stuck in the middle of an intersection of two very busy streets. Frail, fragile, and slow, these ladies merely wanted to reach the other side of the street.

Drivers whizzed by without so much as a glance at the two ladies standing in the middle. What happened next was the sweetest thing to be caught on camera. The two elderly women wanted to cross the road to get a closer look of the bay on such a gorgeous day. That’s when an anonymous police officer stepped in.

The officer gently held the arm of one of the ladies and walked slowly with her across the road as she held onto her friend. It took a few minutes to reach the other side of the road. The view must have touched everyone’s hearts that were watching. It was such a sweet moment of kindness and compassion. Once the ladies had arrived safely on the other side, viewers within view erupted with cheers of gratitude. It’s nice to know there are kind human beings out there who have a heart to serve and protect others. Let’s give this officer a cheer and applaud him for his efforts!

We view policemen as the protectors of our community. We tend to think they are all business, which is what we want in our time of need should something go wrong. But what tends to get lost behind the badge are their hearts and why they committed to serve in the first place. Besides the countless acts of bravery, it’s the numerous small acts of kindness they commit everyday that create community and brotherly love. It’s moments like this that are outward reflections of why they protect and serve, just like this officer. It certainly gives a whole new meaning to serving each other with brotherly love.

Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Romans 12:10

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