Strangers Step Up For Waiter With OCD After Diners Belittle Him

Strangers Step Up For Waiter With OCD After Diners Belittle Him

Strangers on hidden camera react when diners belittle a waiter with OCD. The television show ‘What Would You Do?’ is a hidden camera program hosted by John Qui'ones.

The popular show is known for putting strangers in difficult situations and then recording how they react. You never know how someone will respond from episode to episode. Sometimes, there is anger while other times you will find yourself wiping away a tear. Many of the episodes are inspired by real life events or news stories.

Today’s dilemma focuses on mental health, an issue that has garnered increased attention in the past few years. An actor poses as a waiter with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, while 2 female actresses portray the disgruntled diners. As they order their meal, they are met with frustration when the waiter’s OCD tendencies come up.

The cameras are rolling as nearby patrons notice how rude and disrespectful the two women are to the gentlemen trying to do his job. One by one, strangers start to stand up for the waiter either by saying something right to the women or giving words of encouragement to the waiter himself. But one particular diner stood out above the rest when she was brought to tears by the situation. It was then revealed that she suffered from OCD herself and sympathized with the waiter. After sharing her story, she wanted other to know, “We’re normal people. We go to work. We have kids. It’s no lesser than any disease of the body, it’s just a disease of the brain.”

What would you have done in this situation?

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