4 Why Wasn't I Healed 4 of 4

4 Why Wasn't I Healed 4 of 4

Why Wasn't I Healed?

How many times have we been at a healing service or conference and came believing God for a healing, yet when it was all over, others got healed but we walked away still in pain? So many sad explanations have been offered, "You didn't have enough faith." ouch... "You have sin in your life." more condemnation, "God must love them more."

Oh how ridiculously far from the truth these paper thin explanations are! In this teaching you will see for yourself that what you suffer with your illness until the Lord Himself heals you or takes you home...you will see that you actually are accomplishing so much more for the Lord than you could have if you had been healthy and perhaps a missionary in Africa. He didn't waste one drop of His suffering and He's not wasting one drop of yours.

I believe this teaching will bring joy, hope and understanding to those of you who have been struggling with the cause of your suffering.

Clare du Bois, Apostle to The Bride
Heart Dwellers.Org

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