Dancing on the Waters of Adversity, Prophetic Admonition

Dancing on the Waters of Adversity, Prophetic Admonition

Dancing On The Waters of Adversity, Prophetic Admonition

Times are upon us and even before us on the horizon that demand a great deal of faith and self control. When provision becomes difficult for us and expenses rise while income decreases, the Lord steps to the forefront to take up the slack or help us adjust without loosing hope.

For some of us that means cutting back on things we felt were ‘necessary’ while for others it’s just a matter of adjusting our perspective. In any and all adversity we can mope and drag our feet in protest, or we can lift our heads and dance with Jesus on the water while the rest of the world is weeping.

In this word He encourages us to dance with Him and not loose our joy but to look deeper and rejoice in what He is doing in our lives.

We are a full time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you thirty fold, both now and in the age to come.


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