Young Man Sings Worship Song For Patients At Hospital

Young Man Sings Worship Song For Patients At Hospital

Sometimes, hospitals can seem like a cold and gloomy place. There is sickness and sadness throughout the halls, but there are also moments of hope and faith that shine right through. 21-year-old Dustin Chapman is one of those shining lights.

Dustin suffers from a rare disease called Achalasia, where the esophagus muscles do not function properly. Because of this condition, Dustin has not been able to eat or drink properly for months. He is currently a patient at the Duke Cancer Institute where they are looking at trying a new technique to help this young man on his path to recovery.

While he waits for his treatment, Dustin saw an incredible opportunity when he spotted a piano. This positive young man is also a talented singer and songwriter. He loves to play for others and offer them hope through his music. So today, Dustin decided to sit down at one of the hospital pianos and play a beautiful tune he wrote called ‘Lead The Way.’

This incredible original song talks about handing it over to God in your time of need. I know that these words encouraged a lot of the patients that heard Dustin play and this song definitely means a lot to this young man. It’s so amazing to see him share his gift with others in hopes of bringing a smile to their face. Music can truly be one of the best doses of medicine, especially when it is used to praise His name. What an incredible young man!

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