Barbershop Quartet Performs 'Aladdin' Disney Medley

Barbershop Quartet Performs 'Aladdin' Disney Medley

There's no doubt that the four gentlemen from Vocal Spectrum have talent. This barbershop quartet group can blend their voices together in the most amazing way. They always manage to choose just the right song to showcase their incredible skills.

Today, these vocal wonders are taking in a Walt Disney classic as they perform a medley of songs from the animated feature film, Aladdin. This is one of those beloved Disney films that has truly stood the test of time and the songs are just as iconic.

I've heard these song hundreds of times, but this a cappella barbershop rendition is way better than anything else I've heard. I'm definitely getting a dose of childhood nostalgia right now. I'm so glad that this group is sharing their talents on a big stage for all the world to hear. Who else is going to listen to this one again?

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