Dog Mangled In Trap Makes Amazing Recovery

Dog Mangled In Trap Makes Amazing Recovery

Poor Hermione was abandoned in a forest in North Carolina where she roamed as a stray dog for over a year. That's where she stepped on a rusty coyote trap and severely injured her foot.

For 5 days, Animal Control and the local police department tried to rescue Hermione but they were unsuccessful, even when they set a humane trap. That's when they decided to call in the experts at Hope For Paws to bring this poor dog in and get her the safety and attention she so desperately needed. The crew flew all the way from California to help Hermione and as soon as they landed, they set to work.

They could see the trap still attached the Hermione was causing her a lot of pain and she continued to lick at the wound. But little by little, they tried to gain Hermione's trust but she continued to walk away. That's when they realized they needed their soccer nets to rescue this sweet dog. They set up a perimeter, with the help of kind volunteers, and were able to get their hands on Hermione.

After the trap was removed and Hermione was able to travel, the Hope For Paws crew spent 3 days driving across the country. Now this precious animal is recovering from her paw reconstruction surgery and waiting for her forever home. I'm so glad this amazing dog has a second chance at life thanks to these kind rescuers.

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