
Little Girl Writes a Letter to God After Her Dog Dies and Mom Is Stunned When She Gets Reply

July 02, 2021

Little Girl Writes a Letter to God After Her Dog Dies and Mom Is Stunned When She Gets Reply

A little girl writes a letter to God, and nobody was more surprised than her mom when the letter got a response! This story is so sweet and reminds us how wonderful the faith of a child can be.

All dogs go to heaven, right? One little girl wrote a letter to God just to make sure her dog Abbey got there safely!

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There’s having the faith of a mustard seed and then there’s the faith of a child such as four-year-old Meredith. This precious little girl writes a letter to God after her dog dies and mom is stunned when she gets a reply!

Girl Writes A Letter To God

Abbey was a big, larger-than-life playmate to Meredith. They did everything together until one day the 14-year-old dog passed away.

Needless to say, Meredith was heartbroken. She then asked her mom if she could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to Heaven, God would recognize her and take care of Abbey. Meredith’s sweet mother agreed to help write the letter. As Meredith dictated what to say, her mother wrote:

"Dear God,

Will you please take care of my dog? She died yesterday and is with you in heaven. I miss her very much. I am happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got sick.

I hope you will play with her. She likes to swim and play with balls. I am sending a picture of her so when you see her you will know that she is my dog. I really miss her.

Love, Meredith"

Then Meredith added a picture to the letter and stuffed both as well as a whole lot of faith into an envelope and addressed it to: God/Heaven. Then she added several stamps and put the letter in the mail.

Reply Comes After Girl Writes A Letter To God

Days passed and her mother assumed that would be the end of the letter. But then one afternoon a package wrapped in gold paper arrived on their front porch with Meredith’s name on it.

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Together, they opened the box to find a book written by Mr. Rogers titled, “When A Pet Dies.” Inside the cover was the letter they had written to God and the photo they sent. On the opposite page was a letter addressed to Meredith.

It read:

"Dear Meredith,

Abbey arrived safely in heaven. Having the picture was a big help and I recognized her right away.

Abbey isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart. Abbey loved being your dog. Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any pockets to keep your picture in so I am sending it back to you in this little book for you to keep and have something to remember Abbey by.

Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you write it and sending it to me. What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you. I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much. By the way, I'm easy to find. I am wherever there is love.

Love, God"

Amazing Act Of Kindness

Needless to say, there are angels dressed in the uniforms of the United States Post Office. One of them got this little girl's letter to God and took the time to not only write a thoughtful, heartfelt response to ease the ache of losing a loved one but this angel also purchased a book to help Meredith’s heart heal from losing her beloved pet.

This is more than just faith. This is faith, wrapped in love and mixed with kindness! What a beautiful way to help someone heal.

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Happy Birthday To Daddy In Heaven Mailed By Little Girl Gets Reply That Her Card ‘Arrived Safely’

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Revelations 21:4

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h/t: Facebook

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Colleen Quinn

Heather Riggleman is a believer, wife, mom, author, social media consultant, and full-time writer. She lives in Minden, Nebraska with her kids, high school sweetheart, and three cats who are her entourage around the homestead. She is a former award-winning journalist with over 2,000 articles published. She is full of grace and grit, raw honesty, and truly believes tacos can solve just about any situation. You can find her on GodUpdates, iBelieve, Crosswalk, Hello Darling, Focus On The Family, and in Brio Magazine. Connect with her at www.HeatherRiggleman.com or on Facebook.  


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