Summit Lecture Series: The Worldview Behind Porn with Sean McDowell, part 3

Summit Lecture Series: The Worldview Behind Porn with Sean McDowell, part 3

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One “script” of pornography is that “All women want sex from men”. Ask any woman… well, maybe not ANY woman… make sure it’s someone you have a safe relationship with. But almost any woman would tell you that this simply isn’t true.
Yet, one of the messages that porn sends is that women are simply on standby, simply waiting for any man to ask them to have sex.
Another “script” of porn is “Women like all sexual acts men perform or demand”. In other words, whatever a man wants, a woman is there to make you feel good. Sadly, this is partially to blame in the dramatic increase of cases where girls have been coerced into oral sex, anal sex, threesomes and other types of sex they, truthfully, weren’t in favor of. The guys buy into this message and they feel like the girls actually really want it, they’re just playing hard to get; so they pressure the girls into it.
The final “script” of porn is “Any woman, who does not at first realize this, can be persuaded with a little force.” In other words, the girl says “NO”, but she really means “Yes”. She actually wants you to pressure her into the act.
The truth is that if she says “No”, it’s because she actually means “NO”.
As a father of a little girl whom I love dearly, I have this singular message to other girls:
If any guy pressures you sexually, he does not love you. Love is seeking the best of somebody else...
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